Sunday, July 4, 2010

happy birthday nathan and america!

Every 4th of July growing up meant two things:
Celebrating the Independence of the US of A
Nathan's birthday.
(Must be nice to have fireworks every year on your birthday!)

I am so grateful for my brother. He is funny, smart, outgoing, hard-working, a great dancer, and loves his little sisters and family very much. Happy birthday big bro!

Nathan's wedding. February 2010.

I have the best brothers. Two have/are serving in the military and you can't celebrate the 4th of July without celebrating all those who have sacrificed and served to protect us and our freedoms. It takes a lot of courage and love for our country to be a member of the armed forces. We owe them for all we have.

Steve in Afghanistan. March 2010.

I stole this picture from Adrianne's blog. I couldn't find pictures of Matt in his Navy attire, but Luke is looking precious in the camo. Matt and Luke in San Diego. 2008. I hope Matt and I have cute babes like Adrianne and Matt!

Aren't my brothers handsome? I am so proud of them for who they are and what they have become! I am one lucky sister.

Last weekend, Matt and I drove to Pocotello, Idaho to spend time with Matt's Grandma and Dad. We went through his Grandma's old pictures and had the favorites copied at Kinkos. It was really fun to look through the old black an white photos.

 This is Matt's grandpa, Tolbert. During WWII, he lied about his age and enlisted in the Navy at 17. He fought in the Pacific as a Seabee with the rank of MOMM1 (Motor Machinist Mate 1st Class) and earned the Purple Heart.

America is the greatest country in the world and I am so blessed to live here!

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