Saturday, February 5, 2011

astoria, or

Matt is a big Goonies fan, so going to the movie locations in Astoria wasn't as exciting for me as it was for him. I've only seen it once a few years ago and I remember liking it and specifically the unique setting, but I don't remember any of these places we went to see that are in the movie. Like the houses pictured below were used in the movie, as well as the jail downtown, and the museum that the main characters dad worked at.

The port town is beautiful. I'm glad Matt is a fan of the movie or I probably would never had the chance to experience it. It is a quaint, little port town with lots of colorful, historical Victorian homes on the hills overlooking the port. Driving by the ocean inlet, it is obvious how old this town is by all of the worn down pylons where piers once existed. I really like how the climate in Oregon keeps everything so green and moss seems to grow on anything.

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