Sunday, July 10, 2011

start of the coast drive, in pictures

i don't think i'll ever be able to control how many pictures i take or post.

 1. pretty flowers we saw strolling the streets during our one hour wait for brunch. i'd wait days for this food.
2. so many choices...sometimes i wish my stomach was a bottomless pit
3. i came with one purpose and that was chicken and waffles
4. not one, not two, but three tender and crunchy pieces of fried chicken on top of my sweet potato waffle. i was in heaven.
as to what matt had, this is what he had posted on facebook: 

Words can't express how good this andouille sausage breakfast po' boy was. My eyes literally teared up. Easily in the top 5 of things I've ever eaten...nay, experienced in my life.

he also said other things like, i literally got emotional and i wanted to cry.

we are thinking about naming our first born after this sandwich.

5. manti and i seem to have the same taste because everywhere we went he would copy my order.
6. downtown highway covered in flowers.
7. we stopped in tillamook, or for a tour of the tillamook cheese factory. both manti and matt saw people from byu they knew. it was random.
8, 9, 10, 11, 12. it was a clear day, yipee! got to see the ocean's horizon.
13. living on a river doesn't look too shabby.

more pictures to follow.

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