Thursday, December 2, 2010

belated thanksgiving list

I am thankful for
*Matt moving me to Dallas
*Matt's job
*Matt's love and patience 
*Our good health
*Our thousands of blessings and grateful that life has thrown us very little curve balls this year 
*Our families
*Our friends 
*The family who I got moving boxes from, who gave me a ton of packing paper, that was huge
*Living in a time where prescription contacts, internet, DVR and cell phones exist
*My sister
*Nice people
*Our apartment, I loved living here and everything about it
*The Gospel

Breakfast in SB with friends Thanksgiving morning.
Commandeered from Annie.

What Rach and I came home to driving back from California to Utah. I like looking at it more from the inside of a heated car or apartment. As long as winter isn't like it was last year in Dallas, I am looking forward to not scrapping off ice and snow off the car for the rest of the year.
I better relax because we could end up somewhere with worse conditions than this.

I can't believe our time here in Utah is coming to an end this weekend!

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